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How Do You Draw Your Children as They Grow Older Back Together Again

Choosing quality intendance that is in a healthy and safe environment should be your number i priority. Wait for child intendance that stimulates and encourages your child's physical, intellectual, and social growth. Keep your child's historic period and personality in mind when looking for the plan that best meets his needs. Understanding what makes your child feel secure and knowing the activities he enjoys and will larn from will make a difference in your last child care decision.


Each child has his own personality and responds to caregivers or experiences differently. Just like adults, children may have outgoing, shy, or even-tempered natures. Your caregiver should be in melody with your child's special personality and care for your child in a positive and caring manner that agrees with his special personality. This is crucial to nurturing his healthy emotional growth.  By understanding your child's personality, you and your caregiver can help him succeed by offering care, activities, and discipline that all-time fit his needs.

Developmental stages

As your child grows, yous may notice yourself searching for clues to her behavior. As a parent, you may hear the words "developmental stages." This is only some other way of saying your child is moving through a sure time flow in the growing-upward process. At times, she may be fascinated with her hands, her anxiety, and her mouth. As she grows, she may get into everything. Lock your doors and cabinets, and take a deep jiff during those exploration years! Then at that place volition be an historic period when independence is all she wants. At every stage, what she needs is your dear, understanding, and fourth dimension.

Parent Tip

Recent encephalon research indicates that nativity to age three are the nearly of import years in a kid'south development. Hither are some tips to consider during your child'south early on years:

  • Be warm, loving, and responsive.
  • Talk, read, and sing to your child.
  • Establish routines and rituals.
  • Encourage prophylactic explorations and play.
  • Make TV watching selective.
  • Use discipline as an opportunity to teach.
  • Recognize that each child is unique.
  • Cull quality child intendance and stay involved.
  • Take care of yourself.

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Learning styles

Children learn in many dissimilar ways. Each child has his own way of learning—some acquire visually, others through bear upon, gustation, and sound. Picket a group of children and y'all'll sympathize at in one case what this means. One child volition sit down and heed patiently, another cannot wait to motility and count beads. Another wants you to show her the answer over and over. Children besides learn in different means depending on their developmental stage. One matter we know is all children love to acquire new things by exploring and discovering. Children love to solve problems during play and in daily activities.

Look for a kid care provider who understands children'due south learning styles and includes reading, learning numbers, fine art activities, rhyming, and trouble solving in your kid's daily activities. Also, find out how your provider encourages your child to empathize and do good from daily activities and experiences.

Tips for looking for a kid care provider during the start 18 months of life

Look for a provider who:

  • Is warm and friendly.
  • Interacts with your infant and has center contact.
  • Talks to your infant while diapering.
  • Includes your infant in activities, but keeps her safe from older children.
  • Avoids the use of walkers.
  • Has feeding and sleeping practices similar to yours.
  • Allows the baby to eat and sleep whenever she wishes rather than follow a schedule.

Ages and stages

Depending upon the age of your child, his learning manner and personality, your kid will take different needs. The beginning five years are specially crucial for physical, intellectual, and social-emotional development. Keep your child's personality and age in heed when looking for child care experiences and activities. The following pages provide insight into a kid'due south developmental stages from birth through xiv years.

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Birth to xviii months: an overview

In the first xviii months after birth, an baby makes miraculous progress. In this relatively brusk time span, an infant sees her world through her senses. Babies gather information through touch, gustatory modality, aroma, sight, and audio. To help infants mature and learn, the caregiver should stimulate simply not overwhelm them. The overall goal is not to "teach" your baby only to interact and explore her earth with her. Older infants are on the move.  They take great pleasure in discovering what they tin practice with their vocalization, easily, feet, and toes. Soon they practice rolling skills, itch, walking, and other great concrete adventures. Through "the eyes of a kid," here is what yous might expect during the offset eighteen months.

Ane month

What I'm Like: I can't back up my ain head and I'1000 awake most one hour in every ten (though it may seem more).

What I Need: I need milk, a smoke-free environment, a warm place to sleep, hugs and kisses, and to hear your loving voice. It'due south non as well early to sing or read to me. The more you lot talk and introduce different things to me, the more I learn.

3 months

What I'm Like: My hands and feet fascinate me. I'll express mirth and coo at them and you. I'm alert for 15 minutes, perhaps longer, at a fourth dimension. I beloved to listen to yous talk and read to me.

What I Demand: Talk to me, feed me, and sing to me. My favorite songs are lullabies. Cuddle me. I need fresh air, a ride in a stroller. Give me things to pull and teethe on.

Five months

What I'thousand Similar: I may be able to roll over and sit with support. I can concord my own toys. I babble and am alert for ii hours at a time. I can consume about baby nutrient. Put toys only out of my reach and I will effort to reach them. I similar to see what I wait like and what I am doing.

What I Need: Make certain I'm condom as I'm learning to crawl. I need happy sounds, and I similar to be well-nigh you lot. Dance with me, tickle me, and tell me most the globe you meet.

Nine months

What I'm Similar: I'm busy! I like to explore everything! I crawl, sit down, pull on article of furniture, grasp objects, and understand elementary commands. I like to exist with other babies and I react to their happiness and sadness.

What I Need: I need locks on cabinets with medicines, household cleaners, or other dangerous things. Put away pocket-sized sharp objects. I demand touches, nutritious food, and educational toys to continue me busy.

Twelve months

What I'grand Like: I may be able to pull myself up and sidestep effectually furniture. I may begin walking. I brand lots of sounds and say "Mama" and "Dada." I'm curious virtually flowers, ants, grass, stones, bugs, and clay. I similar to go messy, 'cause that's how I larn. My fingers want to touch everything. I similar to play near others close to my age but not always with them. If I'g walking, please walk at my pace.

What I Need: I need lots of cuddling and encouragement. I demand a safe place to move around as I will be getting into anything I can get my hands on. Read to me again and again. Sing our favorite songs. Give me freedom to do virtually things—until I need assist. So delight stay near.

Twelve to xviii months

What I'thousand Similar: I like to eat with a spoon, even if I spill. And I volition spill, spill, spill.  I volition explore everything loftier and low, so delight go along me safe. I may accept atmosphere tantrums considering I have no other way of expressing my feelings or frustrations. Sometimes I'm fearful and cling to you lot. I like to have evening routines: music, story, and bath time. I like balls, blocks, pull toys, push button toys, take apart toys, put together toys, and cuddles. Sometimes I say "No" and mean it. By xviii months I tin walk well by myself, although I fall a lot. I may spring. I say lots of words, especially the give-and-take "mine"—considering everything is mine! I like it when nosotros play exterior or become to a park. I like being with other children. I endeavour to take off my shoes and socks. I like to build with blocks.

What I Need: Let me bear on things. Let me try new things with your help, if I need information technology. I need firm limits and consistency. Please give me praise. The more than you talk with me, the earlier I volition tell you how I feel and what I demand. I need you to discover me and to understand why I'chiliad upset or mad. I need your understanding and patience. I want a routine. I need you to not mind the mess I sometimes brand. I demand you to say I'm sorry if you lot made a mistake. And please read to me over and again!

The Toddler's Creed

If I want it, it's mine. If I requite it to you and alter my mind later on, it's mine. If I take it abroad from you, it'due south mine. If it'due south mine it will never belong to anybody else, no affair what. If we are building something together, all the pieces are mine. If it looks just similar mine, information technology's mine.

Xviii months through two years: an overview

During the next phase of life, your child is beginning to define himself. Wait for child care activities that spur his imagination and vocabulary. During the toddler years, children get into everything, so practice your all-time to keep your kid safe from a potential accident. All the same, realize accidents practise happen even to the most careful parents and children.

When looking for quality care for your toddler, consider:
  • Is the kid care setting safe and does it provide small group sizes and adult-to-child ratios?
  • Are in that location enough toys and activities and then sharing isn't a trouble?
  • Are there a lot of toys for building which tin be put together?
  • Is at that place a apparel-up area?
  • Do fine art activities allow the children the freedom to brand their own art or do all crafts look the aforementioned?
  • And terminal, what are the toilet training and discipline practices of the provider?
Two years

What I'k Similar: I am loving, affectionate, and responsive to others. I feel sorry or sorry when others my age are upset. I may even similar to delight you. I don't need you lot so close for protection, but please don't go too far away. I may practise the exact opposite of what y'all want. I may exist rigid, non willing to wait or give in. I may even be snobby. "Me" is one of my favorite words. I may have fears, especially of sounds, separation, moving household objects, or that large domestic dog.

What I Need: I need to continue exploring the world, down the cake, the parks, library, and stores, etc. I like my routines. If you have to modify them, do so slowly. I need you to observe what I do well and PRAISE me. Requite me two OK choices to distract me when I begin to say "No." I need you to be in command and brand decisions when I'm unable to do and then. I do better when you plan ahead. Be FIRM with me near the rules, only CALM when I forget or disagree. And please be patient because I am doing my all-time to please you, even though I may non deed that way.

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 Three through five years: an overview

During the preschool years, your child will be incredibly busy. Cutting, pasting, painting, and singing are all daily activities. When your child starts kindergarten around age five, make sure habitation and child care activities include learning numbers, letters, and simple directions. Almost public school kindergarten programs are usually only a few hours a day. Y'all may need care before and after school. It is never too early to brainstorm your search.

When looking for quality care for your preschooler, consider:
  • Are there other children the aforementioned historic period or close in age to your kid?
  • Is at that place infinite for climbing, running, and jumping?
  • Are there books and learning activities to set up your child for school?
  • Is television and pic watching selective?
  • Are learning materials and didactics styles age-appropriate and respectful of children's cultural and indigenous heritage?
  • Are caregivers experienced and trained in early on childhood evolution?
  • Are children given choices to do and learn things for themselves?
  • Are children rushed to consummate activities or tasks?
  • Or are they given enough time to work at their own pace?
 Three years

What I'k Similar: Lookout man out! I am charged with physical free energy. I do things on my own terms. My listen is a sponge. Reading and socializing are essential in getting me set for school.  I similar to pretend a lot and enjoy scribbling on everything. I am total of questions, many of which are "Why?" I become fairly reliable about using the potty. I may stay dry at night and may not. Playing and trying new things out are how I acquire.  Sometimes I like to share. I begin to mind more and begin to sympathise how to solve problems for myself.

What I Need: I want to know about everything and understand words, and when encouraged, I will use words instead of grabbing, crying, or pushing. Play with me, sing to me, and let's pretend!

Four years

What I'g Like: I'm in an agile phase, running, hopping, jumping, and climbing. I honey to question "Why?" and "How?" I'm interested in numbers and the earth around me. I enjoy playing with my friends. I similar to be creative with my drawings, and I may like my pictures to be different from everyone else'south. I'1000 curious about "sleepovers" but am not certain if I'one thousand ready yet. I may want to be just similar my older sister or brother. I am proud that I am then Large now!

What I Need: I need to explore, to try out, and to test limits. Giving me room to abound doesn't mean letting me exercise everything. I need reasonable limits set for my own protection and for others. Let me know conspicuously what is or isn't to be expected. I demand to learn to give and take and play well with others. I demand to be read to, talked to, and listened to. I need to exist given choices and to learn things in my ain way. Label objects and draw what's happening to me so I tin can larn new words and things.

Five years

What I'm Like: I'chiliad slowing a petty in growth. I have good motor control, only my modest muscles aren't as developed as my large muscles for jumping. My activity level is loftier and my play has direction. I like writing my name, drawing pictures, making projects, and going to the library. I'm more interested now in doing grouping activities, sharing things and my feelings. I similar quiet time away from the other kids from time to time. I may be anxious to brainstorm kindergarten.

What I Need: I need the opportunity for plenty of active play. I demand to exercise things for myself. I like to have choices in how I learn new things. But well-nigh of all, I need your love and assurance that I'm of import. I need fourth dimension, patience, understanding, and 18-carat attention. I am learning about who I am and how I fit in with others. I need to know how I am doing in a positive mode. I understand more about things and how they work, and then you tin give me a more detailed answer. I take a large imagination and pretend a lot. Although I'k becoming taller, your lap is still one of my favorite places.

Six through eight years: an overview

Children at this age accept busy days filled with recess, homework, and tear-jerking fights with their friends. They begin to think and plan ahead. They accept a grand questions. This historic period group has good and bad days just similar adults. Go ready, because information technology's merely the beginning!

When looking for quality intendance for your school-age child, consider:
  • Is the staff or provider trained to work with schoolhouse-age children?
  • Is there space for sports activities, climbing, running, and jumping?
  • Are there materials that will involvement your child?
  • Is television and movie watching selective?
  • Is there a quiet identify to do homework or read?
  • Is transportation available?
Six years

What I'1000 Similar: Affectionate and excited over school, I get eagerly virtually of the time. I am self-centered and can be quite demanding. I call back of myself as a large kid now. I can be impatient, wanting my demands to be met At present. Yet I may take forever to do ordinary things. I like to be with older children more than with younger ones. I frequently have one shut friend, and sometimes we will exclude a 3rd child.

What I Demand: This might be my starting time year in existent school. Although it's fun, it's also scary. I need you to provide a safety place for me. Routines and consistency are important. Don't accept my behavior one day and correct me for the same behavior tomorrow. Set upward and explain rules near daily routines similar playtime and bedtime. I demand your praise for what I am doing well. Since I may go to earlier-and after-school care, help me get organized the night before. Brand sure I accept everything ready for school.

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7 years

What I'one thousand Like: I am often more than quiet and sensitive to others than I was at six.  Sometimes I can exist mean to others my historic period and younger. I may hurt their feelings, but I really don't mean to. I tend to be more polite and agreeable to adult suggestions. By now I am conscious of my schoolwork and am beginning to compare my work and myself with others. I want my schoolwork to await "correct."  If I make mistakes, I tin easily become frustrated.

What I Demand: I need to tell y'all about my experiences, and I need the attention of other adult listeners. I really want you to listen to me and understand my feelings. Please don't put me down or tell me I can't do information technology—assist me to acquire in a positive way. Please check my homework and reading assignments. Let me go over to my friends and play when possible. I nonetheless need hugs, kisses, and a bedtime story.

Viii years

What I'grand Similar: My curiosity and eagerness to explore new things continues to grow. Friends are more important. I enjoy playing and existence with peers. Recess may be my favorite "subject field" in school. I may follow you around the house simply to find out how you experience and think, especially about me. I am also beginning to be enlightened of adults as individuals and am curious well-nigh what they do at work. Around the business firm or at child care, I tin be quite helpful.

What I Need: My concept of an independent self has been developing. I assert my individuality, and there are bound to be conflicts. I am expected to larn and read and to get along with others. I need support in my efforts so that I volition have a desire for achievement. Your expectations will take a large affect on me. If I am not doing well in school, explain to me that everyone learns at a different pace, and that tiny improvements make a deviation. Tell me that the most important thing is to do my best. You can inquire my teachers for ways to help me at abode. Problems in reading and writing should be handled now to avoid more trouble later. And busy eight-year-olds are usually hungry!

9 through xi years: an overview

Children from nine to 11 are like the socks they buy, with a great range of stretch.  Some are notwithstanding "lilliputian kids" and others are quite mature. Some are already entering puberty, with body, emotions, and attitude changes during this phase. Parents demand to take these changes into account when they are choosing child care for this age grouping. These children brainstorm to think logically and like to work on existent tasks, such equally mowing lawns or baking. They have a lot of natural curiosity almost living things and enjoy having pets.

What I'grand Like: I accept lots of energy, and physical activities are important to me. I like to accept role in sports and group activities. I like clothes, music, and my friends. I'one thousand invited to sleepovers and to friends' houses often. I want my hair cut a certain fashion. I'one thousand not as sure well-nigh schoolhouse as I am about my social life. Those of us who are girls are oftentimes taller and heavier than the boys. Some girls may be beginning to bear witness signs of puberty, and nosotros may exist self-conscious almost that. I feel powerful and independent, as though I know what to practise and how to exercise it. I tin think for myself and desire to be independent. I may be eager to become an developed.

What I Need: I demand you to go on advice lines open by setting rules and giving reasons for them, by being a good listener, and by planning alee for changes in the schedule. Remember, I am still a child so don't expect me to act like an adult. Know that I like to exist an active member of my household, to assistance plan activities, and to be a part of the decision-making. Once I am xi or older, I may exist ready to take care of myself from time to time rather than get to child intendance. I still need adult help and encouragement in doing my homework.

As children enter adolescence, they desire their independence. Yet they still want to exist children and need your guidance. Equally your kid grows, information technology's easier to go out him at domicile for longer periods of time and as well ask him to care for younger children. Trust your instincts and watch your child to make sure you are not placing too much responsibility on him at one time. Talk to him. Keep the door open. Brand sure he is comfy with a new office of caregiver and is still able to stop his school work and other projects.

Eleven through fourteen years: an overview

Your child is changing so fast—in body, heed, and emotions—that yous hardly know her anymore. I day she's as responsible and cooperative equally an adult; the adjacent twenty-four hour period she'southward more like a six-twelvemonth-quondam. Planning beyond today'due south baseball game or slumber party is hard. One minute she'south sunny and enthusiastic. The next she'southward gloomy and silent. Keep cool. These children are in procedure; they're becoming more self-sufficient. It's Independence Mean solar day!

What I'm Similar: I'm more independent than I used to be, just I'thou quite self-conscious. I call up more than similar an adult, but there'southward no uncomplicated reply. I like to talk about issues in the adult globe. I like to think for myself, and though I often experience dislocated, my opinions are important to me, and I want others to respect them. I seem to be moving away from my family. Friends are more important than ever. To accept them like me, I sometimes act in ways that adults disapprove of. But I still need reasonable rules set by adults. Notwithstanding, I'm more understanding and cooperative. I want nothing to do with babysitters—in fact, if I'thousand mature plenty I can often be by myself or spotter others.

What I Need: I need to know my family is behind me no matter how I may stumble in my attempts to grow upwards. This growing up is serious business, and I need to laugh and play a lot to lighten up and keep my balance. I need you to understand that I'g doing my best and to encourage me to see my mistakes every bit learning experiences. Please don't tease me about my clothes, pilus, boy/girl friends. I also need privacy with my ain infinite and things.

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Early Learning and Intendance Division | 916-322-6233

Final Reviewed: Th, Apr 22, 2021
