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What Does an Orange Colored Sign Indicate

How do we know the meaning of orange? Do we find it in the fattened pumpkin that stands for autumn's bounty? Is it the traffic cone that warns us of possible danger? Or is orange the invigorating taste and aroma of ripe citrus fruit? Polarizing and complex, orange's meaning is both vexing and fascinating.

Meaning Of Orange: Explained

While many colors inspire emotional reactions, none is so passionate as the response to orange. It's definitely a love-it-or-hate-it color. As it turns out, there are reasons why we have such a dramatic response.

Physical Effects

Orange has one of the strongest measurable physical effects of any color. Orange stimulates the appetite, increases energy level, and even stimulates the thyroid to boost metabolism. Orange is powerful. We can't ignore it, which explains why people have such marked reactions to it.

Orange stimulates the appetite, increases energy level, and even boost metabolism.

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Symbolism And Meaning Of Orange

Orange stands for danger; it's used for safety equipment and to indicate areas where we need to exercise caution. Orange is also a symbol of autumn–the brilliant color of fall foliage and of ripe pumpkins. We think of Halloween and Thanksgiving, and of the bounty of the fall harvest.

Meaning of Orange Words

Meaning of Orange Defined

Positive Associations

We associate orange with high energy and with a vibrant social environment. Orange is an active color, so we respond to it with heightened emotions, increased activity, and sharper awareness of our surroundings. We think of orange as saucy, vibrant, and fun.

Color meaning of orange - flamboyance, determination, warmth, success, stimulating.

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Negative Associations

It's no surprise that such a powerful color inspires negative associations as well.Orange can be strident and exhausting if it's overused. Too much orange is overpowering, and a large number of people consider orange their least favorite color. We associate orange with danger, and its attention-getting properties means most designers use it sparingly.

Orange Chakra Color

Chakras are energy centers within the body that help to regulate all its processes. Each chakra governs specific functions and is represented by one of the seven chakra colors.


Orange: The color of the Sacral chakra, also known as Svadhisthana. This chakra is located beneath the navel, close to the genitals. The Sacral Chakra is linked to the sexual organs and reproductive system. Opening this chakra will free fertility and inherent creativity. The Sacral chakra stimulates sexuality and emotions. Gemstones that will aid the Sacral chakra include carnelian, coral, orange jasper, orange jade.

Orange Color Morsels

Though it's commonly said that nothing rhymes with the word orange, that's not technically true. Two real–albeit obscure–words could appear in a poem with orange. "Sporange" is a rare alternative term used to describe the part of a plant that produces spores. Also, "Blorenge" is the name of a Welsh mountain.

Many Florida oranges are actually treated with a coloring called "Citrus Red2" to create the bright orange color we know and love. Florida's climate causes oranges to produce so much chlorophyll that they'd be green if not treated.

Blood oranges are distinguished by their red flesh and juice. They originated in Sicily and Spain, and there are a number of different varieties. A strong red color only appears if the oranges are exposed to cold as they ripen or shortly after harvest, so ideal climates are limited for natural blood orange cultivation.

Brazil is the world's largest orange producer, and roughly 85% of their oranges go into orange juice concentrate.

Read About the Color Orange

The Secondary Colors: Three Essays

Quotes About Color Orange

Orange is the happiest color.

Frank Sinatra, American singer, actor, and producer, 1915-1998

Orange is the happiest color - Frank Sinatra  #color #quotes

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Tanning is tricky, because a lot of people just look orange.

Laura Linney, American actress, b. 1964

The moon is bland in color. I call it shades of gray. You know, the only color we see is what we bring or the Earth, which is looking down upon us all the time. And to find orange soil on the moon was a surprise.

Eugene Cernan, American naval officer, naval aviator, and NASA astronaut, b. 1934

My worst fashion faux pas: probably orange shoes with white pants. I thought I looked spectacular.

Kevin O'Leary, Canadian businessman, investor, journalist, writer, and television personality, b. 1954

People do give me a hard time about my hair because it's orange and it's big.

Carrot Top, American stand-up comedian best known for his bright red hair, b. 1965

I look really bad in one of those orange suits with the numbers on the back. It doesn't do anything for me.

Mike Rogers, CNN national security commentator, Former U.S. representative from Michigan, b. 1963

You know what ends up on the markdown racks? All the weird colors. Guys don't wear orange or citron.

Mickey Drexler, CEO of J.Crew Group, formerly CEO of Gap Inc. and Director at Apple Inc.

Quotes About Color Orange

More Intriguing Facts About Orange

Orange As A Signature Color

A signature color is different than a favorite color although for some people they many be one and the same. It is all in how you express yourself with a color and how consistently you wear it or surround yourself with the color that makes it your signature shade.

  • Frank Sinatra - "Orange is the happiest color," he once said, and he splashed it everywhere. He favored orange shirts, scarves and even bathing trunks, and famously donned a fuzzy orange mohair sweater in Ocean's Eleven. Sinatra's orange fetish didn't stop at his closet. His homes, offices and even the interiors of his airplanes were awash in the juicy citrus hue.
  • Mario Batali - the celebrity chef is almost as famous for his orange footwear and perennial shorts as for his acclaimed cuisine and restaurants. After wearing Crocs for years, he may be been inspiration for the company to create "The Bistro" Crocs designed for people in the food service industry, and which come in signature Mario Batali orange!

Companies & Brands Identified by Orange

  • Hermes
  • Orange
  • Soundcloud
  • Etsy
  • Home Depot
  • Fanta
  • Payless
  • Nickelodeon

Cities With Color Names: Orange

  • City of Orange, California
  • East Orange, New Jersey
  • Orange Beach, Alabama
  • Orange City, Florida
  • Orange, Texas
  • Orangeburg, South Carolina
  • Orangeville, Utah
  • Port Orange, Florida

Cities with Color Name

Color And Our Sense Of Smell: Orange

It's not just emotion that makes scent powerful. It's closely tied to your memories, as well. Smell also plays a major role in our ability to taste. When combined with color those connections become even stronger.

  • The orange colored Magic Scents Crayons labeled "Orange" from Binney & Smith Inc. was originally scented to smell like juicy oranges. However, after numerous reports that children were "eating" the food-scented crayons the company changed to less tasty options. The scent for the color orange became "Tulip."
  • Aromatherapy benefits of orange include cheering, refreshing, uplifting, Cleansing, rejuvenating, energizing, sensual, and stimulating.
  • Orange smells reduce anxiety - even in dentists' offices - a place where almost everyone is on edge. - Psychology Today

Color Taste Connection: Orange

There are five basic groups of taste, which send signals to our brain to interpret flavor. However, we also send signals with our eyes before we take a bite and give our taste buds a chance to process the flavor. The color can pre-determine how we perceive the taste and flavor of what we eat.

  • Citrus is believed to help boost your immunity, says Dr. Susan Albers, Psychologist and New York Times Bestselling Author. A craving for citrus could stem from subconscious worries about your health, even if you're not feeling sick. "People can be drawn to citrus foods not only because they feel better after consuming them, but also because they expect to feel better given the cognitive connection between drinking orange juice and fighting off illness."
  • An international study, published in PLoS One, using standardized procedures to measure the odor-color connection found that people largely agreed that the fruity scent smelled like pink and red, while the musty scent smelled orange and brown.

The Color Orange In The Garden

  • Orange flowers visually come forward in the landscape, helping to make a large garden feel cozier.
  • Orange is one of those colors that really stands out, even at a distance. It seems to shout, "Hey, look at me!" Here is a list of orange flowers from Garden Gate magazine

Discover More About The Meaning Of Colors

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What Does an Orange Colored Sign Indicate
